Title: Casino Entry Ambassador
Job Responsibilities
- Station at the entry and exit points of the casino to continuously monitor the pedestal lights system to determine the eligibility of patrons entering / exiting the Casino in accordance to approved procedures and requirements regulated by GRA.
- Perform random check on patrons at the exit points (using handheld device or visual check) in accordance to requirements regulated by GRA.
- Perform visual checks on the foreigners before they enter the casino in accordance to approved procedures and the permitted document approved by GRA at the foreign entry lanes.
- Greet and perform visual checks on patron prior entry to HLGA and swipe their membership card for entry to HLGA in accordance to requirements regulated by GRA.
- Ensure and maintain the customer service standards.
- For Senior Casino Entry Ambassador*, work closely with the Operations, Training and Compliance team(s) to ensure all security related events and trainings are executed according to approved procedures and / or plans.