Title: Guest Relations Lead (Genting Hotel Jurong)
Primary Responsibilities
- Perform Front Desk room reservation duties such as to check-in & out of guest, handle billing process, monitor guests’ special request, room control and room assignment.
- Manage the hotel driveway for clearance, greet guests upon arrival at the porte cochere, assist with guests’ luggage, and ensure proper storage of guests’ parcels or other items upon receiving and prompt delivery to guests.
- Assist in breakfast services including buffet assembling, disassembling and replenishment, greet and usher guests to the buffet, serve and attend to the table requests.
- Ensure compliance of security protocols such as screening and issuing of pass to hotel visitors, mechanizing carpark operation, patrolling of hotel premises, and supporting the team for emergency cases and investigation.
- Minimum GCE ‘O’ Level.
- Able to perform shift work, including weekends and public holidays.
- Possess multi-tasking and time management skills.
- Knowledge and experience in problem solving.